Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Michael Sophocles slimier than seagull poo?

How has he not yet been fired? Why did Sir Alan allow himself to look so daft by allowing the slimy one to beg for one more chance?

So, Mr Sophocles is fed up of being a scapegoat, and the nation is fed up of Mr Sophocles - or perhaps it's just me.

The week before last we had the kosher chicken fiasco and last week it was the cakes; I'm not sure "buy this cake or your wedding will be dull" was ever going to be a killer sales line and dismissing your customers as 'dumb-dumbs' isn't really going to impress. Yet the puppy dog eyes seem to be getting to Sir Alan and the slimy one remains in the race for another week.

I think we all know he has more lives than a cat and I hope they don't carry him through to the final.

He's asked to be project manager this week; will it be an Apprentice first with the winning project manager getting fired - I hope so!

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